Friday, 27 December 2013

Christmas Rant/CDS

So when I started this blog and then dwindled in my duties to update I had planned to focus on live bands I have seen but over christmas I really got thinking about music and how we as a community I guess have stopped going out to buy music instead we in the main go online to download it.
Now personally I still love to have the actually copy of the music and in my car I have like 50 CDs which I know is a tad excessive but I also love just being able to go online and have whatever music I want within seconds.
Now we just had christmas which may appear rather irrelevant however I didn't get the one thing I actually wanted...CDs.
Anyway I got thinking my grandparents ordered me a CD online for christmas (yes I have grandparents who are as they put it "down with the kids") and it didn't arrive so as you would they complained and got sent another one...which also didn't arrive. Surely with the CD industry already beginning to succumb to digital download companies would try and exceed expectations of customers so they continue getting the actual copy. Or maybe thats just me.
Perhaps this fact alone just shows CDs are on the out and I can see why with digital downloads being cheaper and easier to get a hold of. I just hope this won't effect the music industry and that it continues to strive like it does today.
Anyhow that was my little rant and i will now start blogging about live shows again its much easier ...